上海藍塏科技有限公司,擁有來自北大創業者的先進軟件算法研發人員,其自主研發的AI PID人工智能調節算法的LKTC系列恒溫儀, 實現了零超調和零欠調的精確控制溫度速度,在控制算法方面達到先進水平。LKSC系列直流無刷電機,采用FOC正弦波矢量控制技術,運行平穩,緩啟緩停,大力矩,低維護低噪音,恒速和恒扭矩模式一鍵切換。
我司產品廣泛應用于工業實驗室儀器、熱電熱處理、食品、智慧農業、化工、醫療等領域, 如水浴/油浴, 磁力攪拌器,振蕩器,恒溫搖床振蕩器,干燥箱烘箱,電熱套,培養箱,單機制冷設備,孵化養殖等,是集自主研發,生產制造與銷售于一體的新型創新科技企業,已成為智能溫控儀表和有刷/無刷電機控制儀表領域的專業供應商。
我廠儀表品種齊全,以高質量、高精度、壽命長、質保三年及次品率低于1‰而深受客戶信賴。 并能為客戶提供一對一技術支持,靈活創新,優化AI軟硬件制程,共同發展。竭誠為新老客戶服務,歡迎垂詢!
Shanghhai Lankai Science and Technology Co. Ltd is a High-tech enterprise which runs AI automatic temperature & speed controller research and development, manufacturing and marketing. We have been focusing on artificial intelligence software research and development, and have independently developed AI fuzzy PID series temperature controller, speed controller, electronic expansion valve refrigeration control system and telecommunication systems to accurately transmit and store data through WIFI and internetwork, based on above we put AI software techlogies use on temperature & speed controllers, serves varies indurtrial areas like laboratories, thermoelectricity, heat treatment, scientific breeding industries ect. It is a combination of front-end technologies, which great facilitates the users' demand for intelligent equipment, and also closer to the future.